Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Farm Fields, Flowers & Rachel

Rachel and I drove around the farms fields and this is what happens . . . 
we sure have fun together !! 

caught the sprinkler spray . . . how cool is that !
Potato Fields are blooming everywhere. . .
this is what happens when Rachel and I do "goofy" things when we both have our cameras !

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Window Display . . .

Isn't this a pretty window display? I thought so. . .

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wrap Up of Junior Rodeo Action . . .

Here are a few highlight photos from the Junior Rodeo's this season. It is really neat to watch the kids progress each year. I take pictures for three families and each of them have two kids. A lot of hard work and practice goes for June and July events, and don't forget the parents who get them to and from rodeo's !  High
to everyone !